Sydney, View of the Opera House, bridge and city

Seminar Series

Winning in the Australian Share Market

“From time to time the share market offers you a one way bet to success. At Chance Voight it's our job to know when that bet is available and when to take it.”

Bernard is the founder and Chief Investment Officer (CIO) of the New Zealand hedge fund start-up, Chance Voight Investment Partners.

Bernard's “Winning in the Australian share market” seminar series explains the techniques used by Chance Voight to mine profit from the Australian stock market and give background to the roll out of what may well be one of the finest business plans in existence in New Zealand today.

Perhaps the greatest speaker on share investing in New Zealand, Bernard explains in simple, easy to understand terms, how he goes about identifying profitable share market bargains.

Are you interested in share markets and share investing? Do you want to understand what moves share prices? Even if you have never owned a share in your life, you will want to hear Bernard explain the thinking his hedge fund uses to tip the investing scales in their favour.

Bernard Whimp and Tracy MacDonald viewing documentation on a desk.

“To win in the share market you're going to have to buy worthwhile businesses at historical lows. If you simply go out and buy somewhere high up on the ‘popularity curve’ you will likely get nailed. You may get away with it now and then and even be temporarily successful, but history shows, in terms of long-term permanent wealth creation, paying for popularity is likely to be a problem.”

Bernard Whimp

Chance Voight Investment Corporation Founder, CEO/CIO

  • Bernard is the founder of the ASX hedge fund, Chance Voight Investment Partners.

  • Hear Bernard explain his high probability, high conviction, share market investment style.

  • Bernard will explain the inner workings of the global hedge fund industry and how this industry has made US$1.4 trillion of profits since inception.

  • Hear how Bernard invested several thousand dollars in an audacious off-market raid on some of New Zealand's largest companies, walking away with a multi-million-dollar profit a few months later.

  • Hear Bernard explain financial compounding and why it's often at the heart of outstanding investment results.

  • Come and meet the man who once contracted to buy a multi-million-dollar slice of the New Zealand stock market with no money down and 10 years to pay

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