We keep our investment capital where we can achieve outstanding returns on it - in investment situations with the right characteristics - in a concentrated portfolio of winning situations. By thinking this way we tilt the likelihood of extraordinary success steeply in our direction.

Bernard Whimp

Chance Voight Investment Corporation Founder, CEO/CIO


General Manager Commentary

Chance Voight Founder and CEO

I have been working alongside Bernard for some time now and I have come to know him pretty well. He is an exceptionally authentic person, he is straight forward with a warm approachable personality.

"At Chance Voight we are proud of our history and very focused on our future"

Laura Patterson
Chance Voight Investment Corporation General Manager
He really knows his stuff, and is able to explain complex thoughts on share investing in terms that anyone can understand. Once you meet him, you’ll realise there probably isn’t anyone in New Zealand quite like him. Bernard has been described as ‘the king of mispriced securities’ and by some as the ‘god of stocks’. He has a razor-sharp mind and is the ultimate bargain hunter in the Aussie stock market.
Bernard has a relentless work ethic, he lives and breathes Chance Voight on every level as he pours endless hours into building it into a billion-dollar business.

Laura Patterson

Chance Voight Investment Corporation General Manager

Bernard Whimp

Chance Voight CEO

"From time to time the share market offers you a one-way bet to success. At Chance Voight it's our job to know when that bet's available and when to take it."

Amanda Bowes-Durand, Journalist

Chance Voight Founder and CEO

Firstly, I would have to say that as you get to know him you realise that he's the most complete individual imaginable, on every level. He's deeply resourced with what it takes to succeed in a business like Chance Voight.

He is quite unlike anyone I have ever met - apart from being a very interesting person, the thing that strikes me most is his sheer capacity for work, business, and the depth of his understanding around share markets, finance and company building. Because of his life experiences and endless study of different companies, Bernard has picked up a phenomenal breadth of understanding of corporate life. He needs all this experience to help him evaluate the quantitative and qualitative factors about the companies he is interested in.

His lifelong ability as a speed reader has enabled him to tear through vast amounts of company data and investment material on his way to creating a world class equities investment operation. He says he needs everything he's ever done and experienced in life to help him build the business - there's no shortcuts and he uses everything he has learnt. Arriving at work, very early in the morning before anyone else is in the office, Bernard prepares for an unrelenting 10 hour stretch with the office team.

At the end of the long day, he takes a break for an hour or so to contemplate the day's events and developments. He then powers on into the night - thinking and reading. He has a super rational clarity of thought on any business situation and also life in general. To him, one of the cornerstones in a business like his, is that every situation is thought about in a perfected way. This could be something he has learnt in share investment in order to not make biased or emotional calls.

Working with Bernard, I have found he's a very serious business talent. It strikes me that he may well be one of the best business builders and wealth creators in New Zealand today. There's some air of limitless possibility about him - you can absolutely see how he has the capacity to assemble a major corporation in just a few years, he's already on the way and I am backing him to get there.

Melbourne City

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